امسية شبابية لرابطة المراة العراقية في بريطانيا
نشر بواسطة: Adminstrator
الجمعة 22-01-2010
نظمت اللجنة الشبابية التابعة لفرع رابطة المراة العراقية في بريطانيا أمسية للشبيبة وذلك في يوم السبت المصادف 16 كانون الثاني 2010 وبحضورعدد كبير من الشباب و الشابات ،
افتتحت الامسية  الشابة المحامية ( روزا نزار محمد علي ) حيث رحبت بالحضور باسم رابطة المراة العراقية .وقد استهلت كلمتها بشرح موجز عن الاوضاع الصعبة والمعقدة التي تعيشها الشبيبة العراقية في الوطن حيث ركزت على ضرورة البحث عن وسائل الغرض منها أيجاد السبل لتوثيق العلاقة بينهم وبين شبيبة الوطن  و كذلك ضرورة توفير فرص الدراسة والعمل لهم دون تمييز.
ولم تكن مسألة الانتخابات بعيدة عن الكلمة حيث حثت وبشكل كبير الشبيبة على المشاركة الفعالة في الانتخابات التي سوف تجرى في السابع من اذار 2010 وأعطاء أصواتهم الى من  يعمل
من أجل عراق ديمقراطي فدرالي موحد يضمن حقوق كافة المواطنين دون تمييز في الجنس او الدين او المعتقد و يوفر الحياة الآمنة الكريمة لكل فئات الشعب العراقي كحق دستوري .

تقدم بعدها الشاب (مازن عماد ) بكلمة مختصرة معربا عن سعادته بهذا التجمع الجميل ورغبته في تكرار هذه اللقاءات من اجل توثيق أواصر الصداقة و الاخوة بين أبناء الجالية العراقية . وتضمنت الامسية فقرات فنية مختلفة من عزف على العود لبعض المقطوعات من التراث العراقي الجميل و التي حازت على أستحسان الجميع

وفي ختام الامسية أعرب الجميع عن سعادتهم وطالبو ا بتكرار مثل هذه النشاطات وان تكون في فترات متقاربة

وقد كانت قناة الفيحاء  سباقة لتسجيل لقاءات مع العديد من الشباب والشابات .

The Iraqi women’s league in UK speech delivered  by ROSA NAZAR MOHMED ALI  at the first Iraqi Youth Gathering on  16/ 01/2010.

“Good evening everybody.
Thank you very much for coming this evening. The effort that you have made in getting here and getting involved shows that you have an interest and compassion. The fact that you’re here tonight shows that you’re interested in the world around you, and that you’re interested in your cultural roots and your background.

So do you ever wonder what would have happened if you had spent all of your life in Iraq and were still there now? You want to live in a safe environment. You want to have a warm house. You want to be able to turn the lights on. You want to be able to have a shower every day. You want to be able to go to school or University. You want to have a good job so you can buy lots of nice things. But you can’t have any of these things, and there’s no way out for you. Who would you turn to? All your neighbours are going through the same. There are people around you who are killing each other on a daily basis, for reasons you can’t even understand. You don’t feel safe anywhere. What would you do?

If these things were happening to us here, we’d speak out. We’d call the Police, we’d tell the Papers, we’d tell the Government that it’s just not right. Surely no-one should have to go through that? But if you were in Iraq you can’t do these things. These people turn to us for help, because they have no other hope. They’re people just like you and me, who want to lead a normal and happy life.

For generations before, Iraq had been a secular society, which means that the State was separate from religion and religion wasn’t imposed on people. Remember that there are many different religions and beliefs in Iraq, and these were, and must now be respected and acknowledged. People enjoyed greater freedoms as a result of this secular society. However, with everything that’s been happening recently, all this is changing and most people aren’t happy about it.

It’s easy to forget all the privileges that we enjoy here every day. Most of us have an education, some of us have good jobs, all of us have a roof over our heads and we live in a relatively safe environment. But the simple things that we take for granted, like running water and electricity in our homes, unfortunately is a daily struggle for most people in Iraq. Unfortunately, the situation there has affected girls and women the most.

• There are less University places available for women.
• In some education and employment places, the hijab became compulsory: you have to wear it even if you’re not particularly religious or you don’t believe in being forced to cover yourself – surely it should be your choice?
• Segregation has been imposed in all schools, and most Universities, so you can’t enjoy any kind of normal mixed social life.
• There are no laws to protect women and girls from violence and rape. So you can’t even turn to the Police. No-one would protect or support you.

As some of you may know, there are elections coming up which will determine what happens in Iraq in the next 4 years, which will affect us all either directly or indirectly. That’s why it’s important for us to voice our opinions. Do you want to be able to have the freedom to travel to Iraq and maybe live or work or volunteer there? Do you want to help the women and girls in Iraq enjoy similar rights and freedoms that we do? If you do, then you want to help towards seeing some change in Iraq, and if that’s the case then you have to think carefully about who you decide to vote for.

Make sure you read what all the different parties have to say, and don’t be fooled by empty words and false promises. We would urge you to choose the party who supports students and their right to have a normal student life, in the same way that we do. Choose the party which doesn’t want to impose any political agenda on the Students’ Unions. Choose the party which is going to treat boys and girls equally, and that is going to abolish any restrictions on girls attending schools and Universities, just as we have been able to. Choose the party that will impose on the Government all international conventions for human rights, and that is going to protect women and girls against violence and discrimination.

I know that many people think they’re all the way over there, and I’m quite comfortable here, why should I bother doing anything? Well the fact that you’re here this evening shows that you do care. But of those of us who do care, most of us have no idea what we can do to help.

That’s the reason that the Iraqi Women’s League has organised this event, so people can get to know each other and share ideas. The Iraqi Women’s League would like you to tell them if you ever feel you need anything. They would also like you to tell them if you have any ideas, for example, for 

• Fundraising
• Whether you could write about any activities that we do, that you could share with British media
• Whether you’d be interested in getting involved, or even organising any social or musical events
• Whether any you have any particular skills or talents, for example musical, photography, art and film, and if you’d be interested in arranging an evening where you perform or exhibit your work
• Organising meetings, for example at your University or school, where people discuss issues that are of interest to them, either relating to Iraq or to us personally as young Iraqis living in the UK
• The possibility of arranging a summer camp trip.

We are planning on organising more events and parties in the near future, and we would love for you to join us. The best way of keeping in touch is via email, so please give us your contact details so we can keep in touch.”





نقوم بارسال نشرة بريدية اخبارية اسبوعية الى بريدكم الالكتروني ، يسرنا اشتراككم بالنشرة البريدية المنوعة. سوف تطلعون على احدث المستجدات في الموقع ولن يفوتكم أي شيئ

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