المهرجان العربي والكلداني
نشر بواسطة: iwladmins
الخميس 04-07-2019
المهرجان العربي الكلداني



          Phone: 248-960-9956

Fax:  248-960-9956

Press Release

Contact: Dr. Jacoub Mansour

Phone: 248-960-9956 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

48th Arab and Chaldean Festival

The Arab and Chaldean Festival will take place at Hart Plaza, located in Downtown Detroit, Michigan, on July 27th and 28th, 2019.

The Arab World Festival was established as a non–profit community organization in 1972 and is now known as the Arab & Chaldean Festival.

It is the largest Arab Chaldean American cultural event in North   America. This year, we will be celebrating our 48th Anniversary in the city of Detroit. Each year, thousands of people from all ages attend the festival during the two day event activities. The festival features a variety of ethnic food, cultural gallery exhibits, an impressive Middle Eastern live performance which will include Star Simgers Hussam Al Rassam, Adel Oqla, Linda George and Humam Mansour, Samer Didi and Ahbab Alturath Band, Oud Perform by Brian Bulus. Clown for Children also we have many folklore dance, a fashion show scheduled on Sunday, July 28th, 2019, at 7:15pm.




نهله عزيز خضير

انا ارمله زوجي ميت واريد راتب


نقوم بارسال نشرة بريدية اخبارية اسبوعية الى بريدكم الالكتروني ، يسرنا اشتراككم بالنشرة البريدية المنوعة. سوف تطلعون على احدث المستجدات في الموقع ولن يفوتكم أي شيئ

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